Mar 22 – May 10
(no class on 4/5)
Only $10 per class!
This will be an introductory class, suitable for those new to chair and barrels, and for those with some prior Pilates experience and body awareness. We will build on themes and progress through more challenging exercises throughout the series.
One of the most challenging and versatile pieces of Pilates equipment, the Wunda Chair enables you to bend, pedal and push with your arms or feet while lying, sitting and standing on and around the chair. These exercises promote balance, mobility, core strength, leg and ankle strength, shoulder girdle stability, and flexibility through functional movements such as sitting, standing, climbing, pushing and lifting.Working with the pilates barrel increases strength and flexibility of the spine in flexion and extension. Barrel work is frequently used by those with spinal imbalances to refine the use of the spine in any position. Great for spinal support and stretching of the spine, to help with better posture, to correct tight shoulders, necks and hips, and to lengthen muscles.
To sign up, call 828.333.4611 or click the link below.