I have come to a point in my career that I refuse to isolate body parts and dumb down information even for learning purposes. Because it gives one a distorted perception of the end game for the potential of the body. I also refuse to buy into the conventional approach and knowledge base by sacrificing exploration, experimentation and our creative impulse to intuit what is best and right for the individual body. Healers, Body Workers and Movement therapist have been figuring this out one body at a time long before modern scientific studies have been seemingly giving us the “ right approach” for this population or body type. And I am saying this as a science and anatomy full on geek. I fully believe that before you climb “ Out of the Box” you have to know every inch of that box intimately. I read those papers, I study with these scientist and anatomists and physiotherapist and love it and get a lot of knowledge but it never will replace that space and time of one teacher, one client and the infinite possibilities that can erupt , be unearthed and owned by those two people. Just a thought. A thought to keep us less sterile, keep the work more of the earth, grounded in the connection of flesh and mind and when those two really synchronize miracles happen. Things that might not be believed or even thought of in the lab. Just a reminder to start every session as a beginner and with a child’s mind so that we don’t block the obvious and the simple solutions that are right before us.
The above is the thread that I want to follow in this special 4 week Pelvic Self Care Workshop. My end goal? Just to create sparks of change that inspire you into further change long after the 4 weeks is over. I want to empower you with just some simple thoughts, exploration and full body exercises to be your own healer and find a way to tune your pelvis on a daily basis so that balance is maintained.
Why focus just on Pelvic Self Care? Why not Full Body Self Care? The pelvis is the anatomical and the energetic current of communication between the spine,our cranium, our limbs, the front and back of our body and the touch stone for overall wellness and homeostasis. If things get stuck in this area ( physical and/or energetically) things break down and stagnate. It is where Mecca lives in our body. When we pay attention to how we use our ribs and shoulder girdle ( for example) and check in on the effects in the pelvis we start to realize our interconnectedness . It is a pilgrimage to the place in our body that all our centers flow towards, into and away again.
The Pelvis , for so many of us, is a place of pain or numbness. This is especially true if we have survived trauma, post pregnant, post op, have had chronic back pain for an extended period of time or we are Menopausal. The catch is that we have to bring the focus away from the pelvis to heal the pelvis. We have to do the work with many synchronization systems in the body so that the conduit of the pelvis ( the pass through of the pelvis) is clear of gunk and things can pass and translate through.
I want to highlight a message to those of you who feel pretty good and might put this workshop into the category of something you definitely do not need. Our body is not a machine and the time we should be caring for it and paying the most attention to it is WHEN IT IS WORKING WELL. This workshop will get you to boil down, refine and pay attention. You will learn why you might be feeling ok and you might even run into some dead, blind spots that we can revive. This is called preventative care. This is keeping things tuned and working well. And you’ll be learning about and getting to know the one real gift we were all given.
Hope you can make this 4 week series on Wednesday from 6pm until 7. Aug 31st, Sept 7, sept 21, sept 28 We will be skipping sept 14th
The entire 4 weeks is 40$ or 14$ drop in rate. Please call to reserve your spot. Space is limited.