Learn the foundation of all Pilates work. Become aware of the mind/body connection, learn to fire/engage little used but crucial muscles, strengthen muscles, increase flexibility, and improve overall health. Engage the mind with the body, learn breath control, proper form, and efficiency. Strengthen your core, improve your balance, increase coordination and decrease stress. This is
Pilates Tips for Clients
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Client of the month: Bernard Argiere I regularly attend the Men’s Reformer Class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I’m married to Holly Arghiere, and we have 2 adult sons and a 3-year-old granddaughter. We have lived in our home in east Asheville since 1992. I’m retired from a career in finance and computer software development. Although
Client of the month: Nancy Brown I am a 64 year old woman who started at Fusion Pilates in 2009 when I lived in Asheville full time. I had heard of Pilates and Gyrotonics and was curious to try them, but I really knew nothing about them. I took Gyrokinesis classes with Jennifer, Gyrotonic classes
Client of the month: Karen Dunn Last April I had my 70th birthday……a bit traumatic, and I am grateful to still be here. The past year has been one of reflection. Throughout this process of “life review,” I realized that for the first 25 years of my life, I neglected to keep my body in
Laura Webb, CFP® and owner of Webb Investment Services, Inc. which just celebrated our 20th Anniversary last year Age: Almost 57 (birthday March 2) Classes: Intermediate/Advanced Reformer classes and Intelligent Bootcamp Over the years, I have had some lower back and hip issues, my physical therapist suggested that combination of Yoga and Pilates might help
I am 66 year old and moderately active. I take Tae Kwon Do classes 3-4 times a week and walk a couple of miles a day with my four high energy dogs. In 2014, I wrenched my neck in a Tae Kwon Do class while practicing falls. I was in acute pain and was treated